


Yo-yo’s are sandwiches that are made up of two slices of plantains and some cheese in the middle. These sandwiches originated in Venezuela and are very popular there. Typically, these sandwiches are made up of green patacones (plantains) that are used as the “bread” of the sandwich.

In Venezuela you can find this dish in almost any restaurant, they even have fast-food chain lines specifically made for these sandwiches. I went to one this past year when I visited there. A typical person would order one with queso de mano, which is a soft white cheese, and shredded beef. The dressing is usually a pink sauce that consists of ketchup, mayo, and a little bit of mustard.

These sandwiches are simple to make but might take a while. At my house, we prepare them a little differently. We usually buy the frozen plantains, warm them up, cut them in half, and stuff them with whatever we want. This means anything, by the way. For example, I usually put chicken and cheese in mine. These sandwiches are one of my favorite meals because I really love plantains. I can eat plantains in any form. Feel free to add a papaya smoothie into the mix to add a little bit of sweet. BUEN PROVECHO!


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